Come join us at BOM and discover Replica, a mixed-reality dance-theatre piece created by our friends at Displace Studio. Kerryn Wise is the Performance and Choreographic Lead and Ben Neal is the Creative Technology Lead. Displace has shown work nationally and internationally, including Pervasive Media Studio, Studio Wayne McGregor and Nearnow. They have also taken part in UK festivals such as Digital Body, Aesthetica and Encounters; and International festivals like Moving Body (BG), FIVARS (US/CA) and Currents (US).
About Replica
Replica uses immersive technology to display a virtual dancer (via a VR headset) alongside a live performer. It combines live dance, mixed reality, and volumetric capture in a 10-minute performance. By combining the physical and digital worlds, the experience prompts audiences to consider key human issues around digital doubles, ageing, ownership of their body/image, and representation in digital spaces.
User Testing
Here’s where you come in! Displace Studio is looking for people to experience Replica and provide valuable feedback which will be used to inform the final artwork. The team is looking for adults over 18 years old from a range of backgrounds.
All you need to do is join Displace Studio on Thursday 9th January at BOM, pop on the headset, enjoy the experience and chat about the project. The whole session will last no longer than 2 hours and you’ll be contributing to the development of Midlands creativity.
Experiences begin at 11 am. To book or for more information, please email us here.