New, free resource to guide people in understanding their pre diagnosed autism

Click below to download your own copy of Am I Autistic?

Am I Autistic
BOM’s programmes have been supporting autistic adults to access and thrive in the digital and creative industries since 2018. During this time, we have worked with WEBworks, an autistic-led initiative that mentors and supports autistic artists and develops autism-led projects. They have supported us on our own learning journey as we’ve become more neurodivergent aware, providing guidance and a safe environment for autistic people to access digital skills and professional support.
Over the years that we have been running programmes with autistic people we have found that the majority of our participants are just beginning their journey to understanding their neurodivergence and have a need to investigate similar elements in the lead up to diagnosis. As an adult on the beginning of a neurodivergent discovery, finding support and guidance can be limited, overwhelming and create even more barriers. We wanted a way to share the incredible resources, sign posts and support that WEBworks have shared with our participants, which may be helpful to others embarking on a diagnosis.
Am I Autistic? has been written by WEBworks founder Sonia Boué for you to use as a point of reference to inform pre-diagnosis. It is a booklet which allows you to ‘dip in and out’, to find the elements of guidance that you need. There are many links to other people’s lived experience throughout the book to provide autistic voices from a wide range of backgrounds.